Become a Household Name

At the end of the day, everyone goes home so that’s exactly where we deliver.

There’s no better way to become a household name than to connect with your customer at home.

Social Magazines are delivered to 120,000+ addresses in St. Johns County, FL.


William Randolph Hearst once said about his newspapers “There is no substitute for circulation” and we agree. It’s why we prioritize distribution above everything else that makes a magazine.

There is NO substitute – no fancy paper, special binding, catchy marketing terms or vague distribution promises – for our community-wide circulation.

We do what we say and we prove it with postal receipts so our advertisers can depend on us.


Advertising That Tells a Story

Tell your story or promote a new service and technology you offer. Sponsored stories feature a 300-800 word article about your business written by our editorial team. Don’t have a professional photo? We can handle that too.

Sponsored Story

Special Advertising Section

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“We were blown away when we did a feature story on our Medical Director Dr. Bell, I think everyone we know in town either texted us or said something in person as to how great the article was. It really showed what a well-read and wide-reaching magazine St. Augustine Social is.”

— Shores / Murabella Animal Hospital



Make an Impression, thousands of them. Guaranteed.

Direct mail delivers a lasting, tangible experience to the masses that no other media can compete with. When it’s paired with stories they actually want to read, its effect is unmatched.

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“It's an investment worth making. They email a ‘proof of delivery’ report showing all the zip codes each issue is mailed to so you know your money is well spent. I have already booked my articles for the next 2 years in advance because of the amount of exposure my business has received this year.”

— Monohan Chiropractic Medical Clinics


Bring out the SOCIAL side of your business.

We offer a wide range of advertising to fit nearly every budget starting as low as $395 per issue.

Complete the form to get advertising rates and availability in your market.